How to kitesurf: 360 Shove-it – Strapless – North Kiteboarding Academy


The 360 Shove-it is an Ollie with a 360 board spin. So, once you’ve mastered the Pop Shove-it you’re ready for the full move.



The movement of the kite is similar to a regular Ollie, Pop Shove-it or little Backside Air, just with more speed to generate some decent lift.

Let’s take a closer look.

Place your hands at the center of the bar and step back to the tail of the board. Steer the kite up and carve the board upwind to prepare to Ollie.
Kick down on the tail of the board to pop and shift your bodyweight from your heels to your toes. This will lift the heel-side rail which will ensure total control throughout the move. As you pop the board, quickly bend your front knee to allow the nose of the board to come up and out of the water.

Once the board is airborne, use your back foot to kick the tail up and into wind, whilst simultaneously pushing with your front foot to bring the nose of the board down and downwind.
The strength of the kick will determine whether you’ll make a Pop- or full 360 Shove-it, so kick harder to make sure the board spins the full 360.

Pull down on the bar for some extra lift if needed, and steer the kite back down as you come into land. Try to touch the board with your feet before landing for better control.

Let`s recap the key elements:

Shift your weight onto your toes when popping the board out of the water.
Kick the tail into the wind and the nose downwind right after the board has left the water
Kick with more energy than in the Pop Shove-it
Try to touch the board before the landing to regain control


